Now Trump's down for Impeachment 2.0... can they please take the feckin' nuclear launch codes away from him? 😟

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I wonder what kind of fuckuppery we will be subject to THIS week...I hope our leaders will grow a pair & toss this guy before he has a chance to burn down the...(oh, too late).

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How can we talk w our students about the Don't miss my newsletter that hits inboxes this week:
• How to facilitate difficult conversations
• How to curate up-to-date resources for Ss
• Student reactions

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In memorial of the rueful January 6th 2021 catastrophe, and all the willfully neglected, yet evident injustices it congealed for the world.

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2021 kicks off with a bang, and a boon for cartoonists with all that crazy iconography. What was it that he called us African countries? Hail to the Chief

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A bit overshadowed by Wednesday’s (and appropriately so), my new cartoon for , with a look at statehouse bills for 2021. Counter-programming for the week(although a look at would be fun too).

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