In our fascinating Twilight Talk on 15 February you will learn about a silk pelisse, dated circa 1812–1814 which is the only known garment associated with Tickets on sale now from

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Woah will be featuring on the new £10 note!
Also in 's Great Woman Who Changed the World!

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More tickets released for our Fashion talk tonight! Buy tickets from

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Meant to post this yesterday...whoops... here's Jane Austen for the ✨📖🖋📖✨

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Jane Austen is truly immortal. has been trending on Twitter for hours. What a tribute by her worldwide fans!

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Hoy, hace 200 años que Jane Austen murió. He aquí mi homenaje a Orgullo y Prejuicio.

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This day, 200 years ago was 's last.I illustrated her biography💙

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New £10 note appears today. Have to admire the detail & artistry in the design and image of Jane Austen;

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The person, be it gentleman or lady, who has not pleasure in a good novel, must be intolerably stupid

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I agree Jane, I agree...☺️

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"To sit in the shade on a fine day, and look upon verdure is the most perfect refreshment.”

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It isn't what we say or think that defines us, but what we do - Jane Austen, Sense & Sensibility

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Celebrating Jane Austen who died 200 years ago with our illustrated by Angela Barrett

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Our first FB post marking 200 years since death focuses on the first French translation of Persuasion

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We are celebrating Jane Austen who died 200 yrs ago. Entries are invited for Books sale 27 Sept:

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A collection of images with accompanying quotes from her novels

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