Left - January, Right - December
Progress isnt linear but its always fun to compare 🤩❤️

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Your girl finally learned how to make the lighting cohesive lmao 😂 (First one was in January, second one from November 🤗) https://t.co/QJeFbMzRu8

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First one is from January, second one is from October and I'm super proud of it uvo 💜

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Left: January, Right: Today
I started adding more texture to my work and I feel like it’s paying off

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First two are from January, last are my most recent :D

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First one is from january, i think this year went pretty good!! https://t.co/IecWIUQHpr

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I'm.. not sure if this is improve lol
First two from January, second two recent https://t.co/XbnpdvvFyu

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january, april, july, october 🫶 https://t.co/2hlIr3tHqh

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And here's the digital! First piece is January, second is Oct, and third is end of Nov! I don't do a *ton* of digital art, but the biggest change seems to be (again) playing with textures as well as lighting! 😊

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springtrap improvement!

january, April, may, and just a couple days ago. https://t.co/vl2lZdBahr

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first two are from january, last two i just did last week https://t.co/cQxtTKzYDR

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Conveniently I found myself doing both a Splatoon and Tetris drawing recent and in January this year! (first pic is January, second is this past month) https://t.co/r7j24k7qtB

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Left pic is from January, right is from a couple days ago. It’s been a year, for sure

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January, April, June, November.
June was the first time when I let myself really dive into it, work on a piece sparing absolutely no effort, and let my love for baroque art take over.
For the next year I wish to achieve solid art fundamentals, and I'm planning to open comms. 💛

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Ultimate Growth
(Top 2 from January, bottom 2 from November - December) https://t.co/dg9Q1R08hK

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January, February, March, April...

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it's not much haha, the dragon is from january, the sphinx is from the end of october !

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Thanks for the art share! I drew the Infernape back in January, but everything else is more recent :)

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First one was made 2022 on the 2nd of january, and the last two are my latest and the one I'm most proud of :D

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