けもケット8 D-22 サークル「ロクエフ 」 )制作 ボードゲーム「KINGMAKER」にてイラストを書かせていただいております。僕の担当カードはちょっと多いんですけど腹心からはこの二人です!二人共使いやすい能力してますんで是非つかってみてください!

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Lastly but not the least, my favorite Pathfinder Kingmaker crew spelunking into dark tombs. Guess who is on trapper duty? You guys really should play this game. It's amazing and keeps you on edge. Might have spent 300+ hours and counting up. 🥤

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けもけっと8で頒布される、#FFFFFF()さんのボードゲーム『KINGMAKER』にイラストを寄稿しました!手札に3枚集めて勝利宣言できる「アイドル」カード2枚です 基本的にチーム勝利するゲームですが、「アイドル」は一人で勝利できるロマンカードなので、ぜひ集めて一人勝ちしてくださいね🐸🐭

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4月29日開催のけもケット8 D-22にて“当日限定頒布”される予定だそうです〜!

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Little thousand stabby General of Varnhold 🗡🗡

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Pleasure to chat to & Leigh Gallagher about their fantasy saga Kingmaker over at the news site - https://t.co/efWmPBQftR - Orks and wizarding fantasy meets sci-fi spectacular

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Stabby little Queen of the Stolen Lands

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I have a lot of pictures of Baron, but what about General? Yeah, of course, I have him, but...it's not exactly what I want. But he still nice, isn't he?

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March 8 — the International Women's Day! Congratulations to all our Baronesses and Queens!
Historically, it is a focal point in the movement for women's rights. Today we dedicate all posts to this holiday and share with you thoughts of female companions from Pathfinder: Kingmaker

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What is sleep? Sleep is for the weak.

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While I was working on the Kingmaker, I had a pleasure to paint another splash art! I love his hair with those grey highlights:3

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"If any more bad thoughts bother you at night, wake me up right away. I'll...help you get rid of them!"
Laughing provacatively, the half-orc clings to her with his whole body. He whispers, "Definitely. Forgive me for saying all this rubbish. I love you." 😭

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...my main Baroness' heart belongs to Waded in for the sexy times, sunked by the genuine FEELS omg. Whoever wrote & voiced him, you deserve all the happiness in your life for pulling off bringing to life a tender Chaotic Evil character ;w;

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Enter Roxanna Kingmaker 🌲👑

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