Results from flocking together! Haikouichthys, Gyrosteus, Sinraptor and Cryodrakon.

31 205

Managed to complete some turnaround work. Getting more work done! 12am for me, time to sleep i reckon. Night all!

0 1

Happy Birthday to best little sister, Ui Hirasawa from

, you sounded so cute as her.

2 10

Time to relax and enjoy the moment, mikon.

0 5

🎬 Acompaña a Chiyoko Fujiwara a través de sus recuerdos por los acontecimientos y la cinematografía del siglo XX. Con toda la esencia de Satoshi Kon.

📅 Millennium Actress el 26 de febrero estreno en cines

28 137

Top of the list would be Cardiac since he’s usually viewed as a villain. I’d also include Cyber and Constantine Drakon.

0 9

*for some reason, Tamamo was very shy and nervous to go up to him. With a deep breath, she walks over to him with him*

H-hey umm I made this for you, mikon.

0 0

En somme des points communs avec des séries comme Evangelion ou Madoka. Mais aussi (encore une fois) les films de Satoshi Kon.

Maintenant vous vous en doutez plus qu'à attendre et voir les 8 épisodes suivants pour savoir si la série va rejoindre ses nobles ancêtres, haha.

0 7

This is Order, I reckon.

(thanks, brixystream)

8 27

Recent arts~ Featuring Eins, Kav and Kon. this is some P&E simp spam lool

3 14

valid question. points for Kon.

0 0

Oh no its fine don't worry umm it's my fault, mikon. My name is Tamamo no mae but Tamamo is fine.

*she smiled softly of course, embarrassed herself but quickly turns it around and bows respectfully*

0 1

Film of 2021 - MILLENNIUM ACTRESS [2001]

I was a bit too young when I first saw this to fully appreciate it for the masterclass in storytelling, editing and character drama it is. What a fucking treasure we had in Satoshi Kon.

0 7

*Tamamo gets out of her kimono and throws on her lounge wear and crawls into bed him gently resting on top of him like a pet would do*

Please forgive me if I'm too heavy, mikon.

0 0

*she loved seeing him act like this so bashful, flustered and honest with himself that Tamamo couldn't help but love him more*

Fufu it's because you're honest with me I appreciate honest men, mikon. Fufu and of course I am darling I couldn't hide anything from you.

0 0

Power Rangers Issue 6 main cover from .

The Omega Rangers have formed an uneasy alliance with Lord Drakkon...but now must trust Astronema and Ecliptor in order to survive.

In Shops: Apr 21, 2021

22 74

Girl Nikon..... I posted these privately cause they’re not that nice but whatever everyone look at her

4 29