Opa!! Eu sou a Tilili, mas você pode me chamar de Tilly, adoro desenhar e AMO animações, se você gosta de ornitorrincos, lagostas e qualquer outra coisa fofa meus desenhos talvez agradem você!!

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TXT New Music Releases 🚨🚨

Wizkid - Made In Lagos Deluxe
Burnaboy - Questions ft Don Jazzy
Johnny Drille - Loving Is Harder
Timzy - That Thing
Jinmi Abduls - Little Lagos
YKB - Practice Patience
Psycho YP - Euphoria EP
Bella Shmurda, Popcaan - So Cold
Valee YVE - Fire

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If you are in Lagos over the next few weeks, please visit the to see the Invisible Hands exhibition. The artists & works in this exhibition represent some of our best from Nigeria’s women artists & I am grateful to have 3 works from my collection exhibited.

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Will be going through Archipelagos stuff soon but here is something else Carnivores related i've been working on, Pachyrhinosaurus.

With a male, female and calf, all featuring variants (some variants still WIP).

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STARember nos regala el siguien Arte:

"El Dragón Fa y El Príncipe Empalagoso".


©️®️📸 STARember

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Daily Shout Out 🗣️52

Check the radiant works of !! Hanji is an artist from Lagos, Nigeria 🇳🇬 His works are energetic, electric, explosive and expressive 🔥 He's new in the NFT space and is working on his doodle punks collection.

Let's go!

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Featured Art of the Day: "Lagos at night". Buy it at: https://t.co/6I9AMW7eOn

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🦖🦕 Humour du Dimanche..

203 1477

What if I just make my OWN Space Lagos?
This is Gadget

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— Made in Lagos
— Twice as Tall
— Roots


395 1528

Hey, do you know it costs 0$ to retweet my art😁
I am Abdulrazaq. Vector Artists from Lagos Nigeria.

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Pterosaurios y dinosaurios (junto a lagosúquidos) son ornitodiros, un clado de arcosaurios, y ahí acaba su parentesco.

Sé que resulta llamativo decir que una especie es un dinosaurio, pero intentemos tener cuidado, porque estaríamos cayendo en un error.

📸 Wikimedia Commons. https://t.co/0WrXM2hyUF

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So ill be going over Archipelagos' roster, starting with the first ambient, Thecodontosaurus!

A small prosauropod, found all over the Pelagos sector, these tiny herbivores come in many colour morphs. Here are 3 that will be found, with much more to come down the line.

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Some previews of my upcoming Carnivores 2 mod, Carnivores: Archipelagos.

The 3 species present being Zalmoxes, Telmatosaurus, and Balaur.

While it doesn't have a mod page anywhere yet, you can find some more info on its Carnivores Continuum fan wiki page

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Serie "De lo espiritual en el Arte" | Lo Sereno.

✨ Hexagrama 58.

Dos lagos reposan uno sobre el otro. Cuando se enlazan no será fácil que se agoten pues uno enriquece al otro. Igual que la sabiduría cuando se intercambia entre los hombres.

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Hoy toca hablar de los Kappa, uno de los Yokai más populares de Japón. Se trata de criaturas de apariencia similar a una tortuga que habitan en ríos o lagos. La palabra Kappa está formada por los kanjis 河 (río) y 童 (niño), tiene sentido si tenemos en cuenta lo que se viene… +

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Al fin!! Mi 🍦Ice-Cris🍦 es la cosa más adorable y empalagosa que he dibujado 👀💕

Está inspirada en el "Banana Split" por si no lo notaron 🙊

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Siguiendo con los dibujos de comisiones de discord. Este es para , de su personaje Diego Lagos para la Fundación SCP. Espero les guste :D mi server de discord siempre esta abierto y fijado en mi perfil.

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Draglagos Ghost of Neros

The abomination of 7 sea, a zombie sea dragon with no mercy no mind



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