bridal blessings laegjarn

inspired by /u/wtfihateredditnow on reddit

208 712

Laevatein and Laegjarn from FEH. their outfits are 👌🏽just some cool down doodles for the night

16 30

also I fell asleep trying to draw last night then I woke up to this wip of laegjarn and laevateinn

17 240

Laegjarn from I love her please let me obtain her soon IS

8 13

I bit more Laegjarn progress. Still painting with values for now.

30 85

yeeaaaap not gonna work on laegjarn any more

0 2

Voici l'ensemble d'images de Laegjarn : Écrin ardent !

2 11

Hello in case you forgot about Laegjarn

224 896

Complete artwork set for Laegjarn: Sheathed Steel 🦉

568 1438