MARQUEE(マーキー)Vol.125 2/10発売!綺星★フィオレナード 煌めき☆アンフォレントの妹分、活動スタート!フィオレ(フランス語で小さい花)ナード(ヲタク)をコンセプトにかっこよさと可愛さを併せ持つ三重のご当地アイドルとして人気が広がっているスタフィオ。メンバーの自己紹介と今後の目標も

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Stephen rises to the occasion as he breaks down Rivals of Ixalan's marquee mechanic, Ascend!

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MARQUEE(マーキー)Vol.124 最新号12/10発売!39P 乃木坂46大特集2:星野みなみ×川後陽菜8P。川後P企画による撮影が禁断!なんとこのロリータ衣装のままザバーンとお風呂へ。そしてクリスマス!ロリポップみなみさんも久しぶりかと。ドームトークも掲載

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12/7 MARQUEE(マーキー)祭 Vol.08開催!先行予約は11/3(金・祝) 正午~。夢アド、まねきケチャ、ルーチェ、アキシブ、放プリ、さくらシンデレラ、DEAR KISS、閃光ロードショー、eyes、東京flavor

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○The Skateboard Kids
○the quiet room など


4 14

MARQUEE(マーキー)祭 11/9にVol.7.5開催!O-WEST 18:00~前¥2500/当¥3000。天晴れ!、uijin、ニジマス、プレボ、アキシブ、トゥラブ、ニコラバ。各特典会80分たっぷり!先行予約 10/11正午~

50 77

10/17 MARQUEE(マーキー)祭 最新情報!チケットは完売しましたがキャンセル分を弱冠数販売!9/30 10:00~ 夢アド、まねきケチャ、drop、虹コン、マジパン、アキシブ、ニジマス、レディキス、FLOWLIGHT 他

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Here we go again... You can find me at table 178, Comixology Marquee.

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We'll be back today at table 49 thru 51 in Leeds Town Hall Marquee with 's Signed Future Shock screen print!

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First new comic of thought bubble, the Habitat anthology (find them in the Cookridge Street marquee)

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. & are signing their KNIGHT & DRAGON ComiXology Marquee, Tables 156-157.

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. is signing copies of PORCELAIN, BRIAR, and BUTTERFLY GATE. ComiXology Marquee, Tables 156-157.

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Come and find me at I'm at table 178 in the Comixology Marquee!

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Now open for business at the Table 178 in the Comixology Marquee!

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Signing today & tomorrow - with his new book 'ParAssassin' in the Marquee

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Thought bubble prints!
Celebrating 1980s horror.
Come find me in the town hall marquee table 23 🤓📼💀

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We'll be at tables 129-130 in the Comixology Marquee with signing and selling original art! (plus-spoons)

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I'm at this weekend with (who drew the second image)! Comixology Marquee 204. See u there! 💪❤

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Going to ? will be signing ParAssassin all weekend in the ComiXology marquee at the Markosia table.

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