drg // mnk

samurai and ninja are next! <Please look forward to it.>


133 198

BREAK OUT BLACKのジャケ絵トレスでMNKの2人描きました。描いてしまいました。
We are MNKは…アレです、ノリです←

0 5

First goal acquired

(this is going into the MNK glam awhile too)

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FFXIV MNK Commission
thanks for commission

15 87

“I HATE fucking humans with all my heart and I truly love animals, because they have SOUL.” $MNK

1 11

[ ]
Guess who's drawing his static <:3c
, our mnk
Cid, our DRG
Me, our DNC
and Trab, our BLM !!

8 19






21 36

Goodbye MNK I'm a DRG main now.

0 16

this bun here! she and her sister left the forest to be dancers in thavnair, then a rich ul'dahn sugar daddy showed up and offered to take them to eorzea and ~see the world~, calamity shit happens, sister dies, she stops dancing until shb, and becomes a swole mnk in the meantime

0 3

本日よりiTunes, Spotify, LINE MUSIC等各種サービスにて「Massive New Krew - EMPIRE」が配信開始!これぞ最新型のMNKといった会心の一曲!!詳細はリリースページをチェック!



31 70

Back to playing as MNK Punchwife, the way it should be 👀

0 12

ffxiv brd, smn, mch, ast, mnk and sam chocobos done! mnk AF1 is my favorite but yellow outfit on yellow bird was a little tough lol just tanks and a few more deeps🐣

33 108

Satisfaction (MNK Remix) / Satisfaction / Axeria / B.B.K.K.B.K.K.

2 4


71 195

センチメンタルキャンディ(MNK Remix) / Re:Glitter / yukacco

0 2

When the SAM in your party doesn't wait for you and your healer friend to load the next area, despite you told them you've never tanked this, and the healer is new to the dungeon, and you, your WHM and the PUG MNK just watch that SAM die to two mobs alone.

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