COMPETITOR CONFIRMED! Squash farmer, allotment owner and all round crowd pleaser snotevil enters the fray! See him battle-it-out next month 👌

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Couldn't wait to try out my newly learned skills. Thank you and for including in the Pens and Pixels project. I can not wait to put our small scale study into practice

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Sep 25th in London will be bringing together all areas of the wider telecoms & tech industry. Our Global Product & OPS Director Tania Pinosa has been nominated for 2 awards!


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Over 800 of you have now voted in our elections! Not yet voted? Head over and cast your vote now. FSE are still the best performing faculty in terms of voters! Voting closes on Friday 22nd March at 5pm 🐺🗳️

2 1 little town of 70ish people had three churches & 4 cemeteries! HOLY DEAD PEOPLE BATMAN! I was told their was a 4th church but it was destroyed in a tornado in the late 1800's & they never rebuilt.

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For the challenge this year...I am going to share a fact about me with each heart! Here are the first three!! Join the fun...not too late!!

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A spring oasis isn't quite here in Toronto, but you can make them happen on canvas in our studios. Join Painting 1 &2 starting Saturday April 21, 12:24PM-3:45PM! \

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