Iceborne launch countdown art day ten: Khezu. Seal it with a Khezu kiss (of death).

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Iceborne launch countdown art day eleven: Yian Kut Ku. If you're gonna have Yian Garuga in there, might as well add him. Basketball jumpshot with the Konchuu. 👍

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Iceborne launch countdown art day twelve: Unique weapons. I just hope Iceborne brings us a lot of variety weapons like the pizza chargeblade or the Phoenix Wright lance. Make it happen, CAPCOM.

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Pretty obvious that I need more reference photos of Namielle in action, but I couldn't wait to try and draw her.

Iceborne's photo mode will be put to good use 😂

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Iceborne launch countdown art day fourteen: Glavenus. Would be cool if ever this move is possible to stop the tail slam... 😂 Regardless, excited to fight Glavenus again... <3

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Iceborne launch countdown art day sixteen: BoaBoa.
I wonder how much of a nuisance these critters will be in Iceborne.

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Come to the rave tonight, at 11PM, under Namielle's wings
Bring Exciteshrooms

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Yknow for just a slight second when they revealed the new Monster and that it controlled water...I thought "wait did they add in Frontier's Zenaserisu" but nope. Still excited nonetheless

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I'm looking forward to more info on Namielle in ! Quick doodle before I head to bed of the RGB Elder recently announced

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Iceborne launch countdown art day eighteen: Rajang. The only thing missing in Iceborne is Rajang. Would really love to see him in Iceborne. He is perfect for the snowy region. :)

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Iceborne launch countdown art day nineteen: Layered armor. If the ATKT headgears are available for layered armor, then this will be my new headgear layered armor moving forward. Love them horns.. <3

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Iceborne launch countdown art day twenty one: Shrieking Legiana. This is how to distinguish one from a normal Legiana.

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Iceborne launch countdown art day twenty two: Coral Pukei Pukei. The monster is not a threat if you think about it.

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Iceborne launch countdown art day twenty three: One of the first things I'll do come Iceborne launch is to use clutch claw on Exbehe if possible... 😂

What will you do?

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Iceborne launch countdown art day twenty four: Seliana Gathering Hall Lasses.

Got your favorites already?

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Iceborne launch countdown art day twenty five: Grammeowster Chef.

Can't wait for her hearty soups and tender steaks!

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Hey look, new artwork! have some angry doggos in celebration of !

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Sigo impaciente por el de verdad que hipe, y tengo a mi amiguito vaal Hazak que hice recordándome todos los días que existe una saga de videojuegos tan genial como es Monster Hunter.

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