Gracias por enrollarte, gordo cabrón. ¡Firma, joder, firma con los del sur!

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Why making North Korea nuclear free will be so difficult

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Here's my new one on Trump's planned meeting with Kim Jong Un. Read more about my color choices on my blog at:

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Troop formations captured in impressive detail indicate gearing up for a military parade

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Here's my new cartoon. Come read about it on my blog at: I love the trite, Old Father Time and baby new year cartoons.

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and should defend or at least acknowledge US firms like who are hacked by and - It is the role of government to work to protect American citizens and companies from foreign attack.

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and should defend or at least acknowledge US firms like who are hacked by and - It is the role of government to work to protect American citizens and companies from foreign attack.

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and should defend or at least acknowledge US firms like who are hacked by and - It is the role of government to work to protect American citizens and companies from foreign attack.

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and should defend or at least acknowledge US firms like who are hacked by and - It is the role of government to work to protect American citizens and companies from foreign attack.

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and should defend or at least acknowledge US firms like who are hacked by - It is the role of government to work to protect American citizens and companies from foreign attack.

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