a couple of doc ock sketches bc i cant stop drawing him

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as no way home rakes in million$ this weekend remember almost every character--from spider-man to doc strange to doc ock--was designed and co-written by steve ditko, whose vision was purposefully downplayed for decades by stan lee as he obscured or lied about the creative process

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Me designing a Realistic Take for this version of Doc Ock:
"Yeah so I'm gonna take the specific features of Alfred Molina's face that make me feel insane and 💫exaggerate💫 them, good job, me"

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spiderman no way home spoilers!!

i couldnt help myself this scene punted me into orbit +i love doc ock

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about to watch ! here's a little drawing of doc ock

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Cannot wait to see Doc Ock in action again 😍💕

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Another repost of my Green Elf and Doc Ock drawing after seeing No Way Home yesterday. Absolutely loved it and hope y’all get the chance to see it soon too

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What the MCU has been building towards, specifically this!! Doc Ock and Spidey together again! Be a friendly Neighbor Marvel fan and No Spoilers!

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Yeah, y’all haven’t heard enough of my dock ock maruki au brainworms so I’m back :)

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Let’s reopen the floodgates of Molina Doc Ock merch!

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when we last left off doc ock and peter were making out or something

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New Promo art, with Doc Ock and Spider-Man in the integrated suit!

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- Mini Reseña Spiderman 2 -

Es más ambiciosa y vaya que lo logra. La relación de Peter con Mary Jane evoluciona de buena manera. El Doc Ock no aparece tanto al principio pero vaya que deslumbra al final.
Harry quedó algo de lado pero se mantiene su arco de venganza.

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To the best of my knowledge, the next time the relationship was touched on was in 1995’s Spectacular Spider-Man by Tom a DeFalco and Sal Buscema, when Ock tries to get in touch with her as he tends to a dying Peter Parker.

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Spiderman No horni, what if Doc Ock in NWH was a sexy Liv?. Anyway, can't wait for the movie

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La voy a ver para entretenerme,si salen los 3 Spider Man bien, y si no pues también..ok, igual tendré mucho hype al ver a mi querido duende verde y al doc ock
Tampoco me molestó lo de la preventa,en general nunca hago eso para las películas

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