been watching my bf play recently
this is something we thought up while looking for heals ✊😔

30 183

Postal dude and a tiny version of postal dude

4 24

Just a remake of my old meme i made in 2020 (or 2021 i dont remember)



3 9

i think everyone was waiting to see juny in a bunny suit lol, anyway happy easter!



0 5

Look at little dude go

(A birthday gift for )

12 44

wow another postal dude? no way! drew this a while ago but p2 dude makes me happy. scrunkle!


53 242

Я устала,но результатом я довольна.

Не знаю,почему именно его захотелось нарисовать,но это уже не волнует меня никак

14 74

One again, I spent way too much time on this one but I'm very happy with it. Got bank robbery, a new outfit and other sh!t. I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed drawing it.

9 51

i forgot how to draw backgrounds el oh el

1 15

I had to finish an illustration and instead I did this.

42 255