Demà al de matí li ficaré punt i final al dibuix del Goku. I després crec que li donaré canya a nous panels del canal.

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Cridem a tota la comunitat otaku catalana a pressionar durant tota la setmana les sales de cinema perquè el divendres que ve, a les 8 en punt del matí, la gran majoria tinguin la pel·lícula de Kimtestu no Yaiba en català a les seves cartelleres.

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ok i'd also punt her into orbit but michelo tbh

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ok as much as i want to punt him i'd have to say that i would adopt matthew immediately if given the chance

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avui us desvetllem una de les sorpreses que tenim a punt pels concerts de Sant Jordi a la Sala Barts de BCN del 23 i 24 d'abril. Ens fa molta il·lusió anunciar que una de les col·laboracions que tindrem serà la il·lustradora Marta Bellvehí . 👇🏻

Bon dilluns

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If you ship minors, I will punt you into the sun /srs

Other than that, have the happy family; c!Tubbo and c!Ranboo are legit some of my favourite DSMP characters and the kids themselves are top tier CCs.

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Something fishy 🐟🐠 for this week's courtesy of William de Morgan , Burne-Jones ('Lady Feeding Gold-Fish', 1860 ) and D.G.Rossetti's caricature of 'William Morris Fishing in a Punt' (1871, British Museum)

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Art by: smol_puffer on Instagram, last by me

•like to creep people out
•will punt you to the moon for no reason

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God, I hate him. I hate him so much. So FUCKING much. Every time I see a stuffed toy Dabi or an Dabi gif or a shitty goddamn commercial, it ignites my primal rage response and I'm overcome by the need to punt this shitty little homunculus into the sun.

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I like to think I’m a completely good person...

Then I laugh at a crayon sketch of villain gearing up to punt their clone child into a pool of lava and I realize that I’m probably only 99.9% a good person...😅

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Here have a Tales inspired Technoblade descendent, stuck up smug pig girl I wanna punt. She’s still a super work in progress but she probs petty

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seperate images if you want 💙 credit if use or ill punt you -tofu

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El cap, el braç i l'avantbraç tenen punts pivotas o àncores. Així quan fas rotar l'objecte, jo fa des d'aquell punt. Es com posessis el dit al damunt d'un paper sobre una taula i el fessis girar. El paper giraria entorn al dit que li faria de pivot.

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Never Satisfied update!♦♦#hiveworks♦

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