Monkey Trouble. More funny color practice, Rajang's icon from Monster Hunter World was the reference used this time.

3 7

Rajang Permafrost
Un Rajang Furioso que debido a la edad perdio la capacidad de usar electricidad. En cambio, para seguir defendiendo su territorio consume cuernos de Kirin Boreal, pero, al no tener su cola para controlar su poder esta cubierto su cuerpo con hielo permanentemente

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No more monkey business! Let's color the ruthless Rajang before it gets angry. 🙈🎨

78 715

Had a hard time beating the Furious Rajang a bit ago and kinda just?? Really wanted to draw my hunter fighting it too, the pin animation for him is so fucking cool.

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Grumpii Rajang
The thunder monkey/gorilla ⚡🐵

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SD EX斉天シリーズ SD Furious Rajang Armor
モンスターハンターワールド:アイスボーン Monster Hunter World: Iceborne

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Ruiner Nergigante requires MR 99
Raging Brachydios two shots everyone
No one wants to fight Raging Rajang or just Rajang in general.
Safi'jiva isn't out yet

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Oh hey, Raging Brachy and Furious Rajang Update is out on PC now! Also, drew the icons :)

362 2043

Meet Ramiel a Raging Rajang in special Colors. Com and Belongs to ENJOY

83 403

I have a sudden intention to draw Ryuko and Mirko like Rajang and Nergigante in their Turf War🤔

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More Monster Hunter Designs: Raging Brachydios, the Crushing Wyvern; Furious Rajang, the Golden Lion.

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Spare a like for a noob hunter trying on the new golden god...

What do you think about the big ape 2.0? I honestly feel like all the budget went to Brachidios. Still a damn cool fight tho.

3 4

In hype of Furious Rajang making it to Iceborne I pulled out all the stops for these three. Really enjoy how these turned out! Expect a Raging Brachydios to get the same treatment sometime in the future

I'll be returning back to my db characters soon!

1 1

All the Furious Rajang that we've encountered have damaged tails or just a stub remaining, and it seems they're releasing more energy than usual due to this reason. Since Furious Rajang is using more energy, it's believed that this variant doesn't live for very long.

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That's a wrap for Furious Rajang!~ love the armor set!
(Yes I'm using a different head piece lol)
Next is big explody boi!

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The Furious and the Raging.

Happy Furious Rajang & Raging Brachydios Launch Day! Good luck taking down these monsters.

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I drew the Rajang Icon in my Metallic style! Hope you guys enjoy!

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