The School of Athens
Raphael, 1510-1511
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The School of Athens
Raphael, 1510-1511
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The School of Athens - Raphael, 1510-11

134 164

The School of Athens - Raphael, 1510-11

85 112

The Meeting of Pope Leo I and Attila the Hun - Raphael, 1514

25 32

[명화산책] 라파엘, 아틸라를 격퇴하는 교황 레오 1세 Pope Leo I Repulsing Attila, Raphael, 1511-1514 바티칸 미술관

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The School of Athens - Raphael, 1510-1

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[명화산책] 라파엘, 솔로몬의 심판 The Judgment of Solomon, Raphael, 1518-1519 바티칸 교황집무실, 서명의 방

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The Sistine Madonna - circa 1512–1514 of

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