Ramadhan hari ke-2 berlalu, tak ada minuman buka puasa yang lebih sederhana namun nikmat selain es teh manis.

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To those of you who celebrate, Tilda hopes you had a happy Passover!

Even though the Seder is long over, here she is with the Seder plate!

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Women's International Zionist Organization (WIZO) Passover seder for refugees, Shanghai, China, ca. 1945-46.

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NEW DECADES OF (in)EXPERIENCE “Page of Exodus” (ep. 207) https://t.co/lmItDe8iOL by Hope you’ve figured out the correct way to microwave Seder leftovers. As for the gentiles out there, Happy Easter.

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How was your seder last night? Time to gird yourselves for 8 days of affliction. The holiday in 3 panels.

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This might scramble some things. Today's cartoon by https://t.co/oU40dGM8hn Subscribe to Weekly Humorist! https://t.co/SBISdAVgyE

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Happy Passover! Daniel streams his Seder cuz of lockdown lmao

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A silly lunchtime sketch by request of my child: it's the Passover Satyr! His experience reflects our own, in that for our video-conference seder tonight (Scypesach?), we're not wearing pants either! 😄
Chag sameach to all celebrating Passover tonight! 😊

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Podjela haroseta
בעל הבית נותן חרו
“Gospodar kuće dijeli haroset”

Haroset je jedno od glavnih simboličkih jela koja se jedu za pashalni Seder. Spravljen na razne načine i od različitih sastojaka, naprimjer, to je bila mješavina “hurmi, suhih smokava

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For my Dad today’s poem ‘ Seder ‘ by Elaine Feinstein..

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Two new picture books + two new board books will delight youngsters this Welcoming Elijah: A Passover Tale With a Tail, Asteroid Goldberg: Passover in Outer Space, I Love Matzah + Alligator Seder. https://t.co/FLAbo0QAr6

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Semingguan lagi, bukuku ini siap.

Ada dua bagian:

1. Mengenal seluk-beluk Ushul Fiqh.
2. Kaidah² Ushul Fiqh dgn uraian sederhana, contoh terapannya dlm bentuk kisah² cinta Cito dan Citi. Dijamin ngakak. Dan messakke.

Tebale 220 hlm.

Harga reguler Rp.2jt

PO, mau harga brp?

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"Mbah Moen", hanya sebuah karya sederhana di sela kesibukan di rumah saja 😁
Tools: Laptop + Genius Mouse Pen i608x

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Hi, Kosmos!

Hari ini kita bahas tangent, yuk!

Tangent secara sederhana berarti garis singgung. Namun dalam komik, kita mengenal tangent sebagai sebuah kecelakaan visual ketika dua atau lebih garis bersinggungan dan menimbulkan kesan yang tidak diharapkan oleh senimannya. (1/3)

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Millenium Actress (2001)

Yang paling mudah dimengerti dan sederhana, aktris yg karir nya lagi bagus banget tiba- tiba menghilang. Lalu ada yg mau membuat dokumenter dan mewawancarai aktris itu. Alurnya maju mundur menceritakan masa saat masih berkarir dan saat sedang diwawancara

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