Thank you for the opportunity! And congrats on the followers! Here is my girl, Aelithia! 💜

Art by: @/RyuSekiArt

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💛 Arlinne Roseveare
~ Sin'dorei
~ Noticeable features: freckles, downward pointing ears, moth like eyebrows.
🎨 @/Ryusekiart, @/Kiyoshuki, @/artdelumina

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i'm curious so here's the love of my life 🖤 (@/Kiyoshuki, @/RyuSekiArt)

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i wanna do this so bad 😫 enable me

art by @/Ryusekiart & @/Kiyoshuki!

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I have a bunch of sweet and precious ladies so I’ll just put them here if you’d like a variety ;w; thank you!
Expression is however you wanna do it since they all have different personalities
Art @/PalitaniaArt @/c114umeeu @/RyuSekiArt @/PalitaniaArt

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I present a Mizuki to you! And please toss a link to the stream if possible! 💜
Art by @/RyuSekiArt, @/sun_mist and @/Enriell1

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I am tossing my Mizuki your way! Thank you for the opportunity! 💚💜🤍
Art by @/RyuSekiArt, @/sun_mist and @/Enriell1

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is it too late for the tag

This is Fehre'a, my favorite disaster of a man

art by @/auliander @/regalgorgon @/RyuSekiArt and @/quellerofbeasts

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I’ll happily drop a few of my ladies down if they tickle your fancy, and thank you!

Art @/c114umeeu @/PalitaniaArt @/RyuSekiArt @/PalitaniaArt

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but he's way more important now. (@/RyuSekiArt @/Kiyoshuki) two ladies too,, must admit that i have no idea why i'm so fond of seriadris but i def am. she was supposed to only have art of her highborne form but it ended up the other way. also, sklav! 🖤 (@/laaventer @/Kiyoshuki)

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FFXIV, or WoW?
Have Mizuki and Celysiel!
Art by @/RyuSekiArt, myself (@/Lyzerne), @/Valentaine12, @/softlyvoiced.

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Celysiel exists in FF as Mizuki. She is not entirely the same, but the core inspiration remains!
Art by @/softlyvoiced and @/RyuSekiArt.

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some of my babies? yk them but 🖤 (@/RyuSekiArt, @/laaventer, @/Kiyoshuki)

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Thank you for the opportunity :>

This is Serestra, my former Green now Fae dragon who is working with the Winter Queen and Ysera to become the aspect of Rebirth
Her soulshape is a fat cat and thinks her gf is the best thing in the world
Art @/bllackii_ @/_suiika_ @/RyuSekiArt

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my boy azeon or searlait since mary made me want to post my nun,, 🖤 (@/RyuSekiArt, @/Kiyoshuki)

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aaand these two 🖤 (cant believe i forgot my main had black hair but here we are) (@/Nise_Loftsteinn @/RyuSekiArt)

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if we're talking favorite oc, then it's obviously azeon 🖤 a character that has been on my mind for the last 16+ years. in the wow universe, he's a mercenary and he has an adoptive son. (@/Kiyoshuki, @/RyuSekiArt)

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you already know but i'll never stop simping for him,, (@/RyuSekiArt) also, chasseuri is at the same level but i can't finish my redesign of her so she doesn't have art 😭

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