Alright ya big softies! Last part of my lil FoundFam!AU Comic - At least for now any way~ Wonder what our boys have gotten themselves into? Angst? Fluff? Both? Guess we'll see! :D

344 3388


Ghost was gone for a while.
Song is: Teeth - 5SOS

247 2183

Thanks for asking me to do this / e 🤭💋🧼🧼🧼🧼❤️ I had fun with it lmfao

163 1608

it happened to me an it could happen to you

8 115

Soap's cheeky, but he's a little embarassed for being treated like a dog by Simon. Idk why I think Soap got praise kink

0 15

Ghost is definetely the "my dad didnt want to get me a cat and now hes best friends with it" cat dad dynamic, you cant tell me otherwise

(thank you for this idea 🙏🙏🙏)

338 2832

can i have your best (sfw) horny memes (if possible) bc i need them for a soapghost comic to use as reference

0 13

Soap told Ghost that he wants to show something to him, in private

1 12

"If it wirks oan cats tae correct thair behavior, how come wilnae it wirk oan demons?"-Soap

348 3711

I love the hc that Ghost is always cold and Soap is a living furnace 🥺

1166 7118

love's not in the field manual either

204 1749

follow up to cap’s handy guide on talking to tall people

99 711

I’m a softie that can only be bothered to draw 1 thing

45 540

Posting these late at night because I'm impatient lol I'm sure I'll find mistakes tomorrow that I'll regret but oh well
Ghost's thigh straps make me feel some type of way & I'm sure Soap would have plenty to journal about with them 👀

71 548