Drawing Sonic Characters every day until Day 32, here’s Froggy (Adventure), Bark the Polar Bear (Fighters), and The President (Adventure 2).

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Drawing Sonic Characters every day until Day 31, here’s Cream the Rabbit (Advance 2), Pepper (Rise of Lyric), and Pocky (Sonic the Hedgehog).

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Drawing Sonic Characters every day until Day 30, here’s Ashura the Hedgehog (2-GLITCH), E-105 Zeta MK II (Adventure), and Prefect Scylla (Chronicles).

I found my favorite beanie again after a couple years, so that’s nice.

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//#Sonic// //#SonicTheHedgehog// //#Knuckles// //#KnucklesTheEchidna// //#Tails// //#TailsTheFox//
//#sonicart// //#Sonic2// //#SonicTheHedgehogFanart// //#SonicTheHedgehog2//

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Drawing Sonic Characters every day until Day 29, here’s Red Burst Sonic (Colors), Pink Shadow Android (Shadow), and Kylok (Rush Adventure).

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Drawing Sonic Characters every day until Day 28, here’s Mimic Ghost Tails (Rivals 2), Imperator Ix (Chronicles), and D-Fekt (Boom: Fire & Ice).

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Drawing Sonic Characters every day until Day 26, here’s the Bio-Lizard (Adventure 2), Pink Flicky (3D Blast), and Mecha Knuckles (Advance).

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Drawing Sonic Characters every day until Day 25, here’s Devil Doom (Shadow), Chaos Gamma (Battle), and Neo Metal Sonic (Heroes).

Fun fact: Neo Metal Sonic is my favorite design in the series, so this was fun.

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Drawing Sonic Characters every day until Day 24, here’s Shade the Echidna (Chronicles), Cyan Laser Sonic (Colors), and Crimson Wisp (Lost World).

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Drawing Sonic Characters every day until Day 23, here’s Black Virtual Hedgehog (Colors), Mirror Bean (Fighters), and Yellow Shadow Android (Shadow).

This is the last one of 2021, hope everyone has a great new year!

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Drawing Sonic Characters every day until Day 21, here’s Darkspine Sonic (Secret Rings), Red Flicky (3D Blast), and Overmind Ligaia (Chronicles).

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Drawing Sonic Characters every day until Day 20, here’s Mighty the Armadillo (Segasonic), Zor (Lost World), and Vector the Crocodile (Chaotix).

Only 100 days and 300 characters to go.

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Drawing Sonic Characters every day until Day 19, here’s E-102 Gamma (Adventure), E-121 Phi (Battle), and King Shahryar (Secret Rings).

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Drawing Sonic Characters every day until Day 17, here’s Nega Mother Wisp (Colors), Professor Pickle (Unleashed), and Gardon (Rush Adventure).

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

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Drawing Sonic Characters every day until Day 15, here’s Mirror Tails (Fighters), Chip (Unleashed), and Boom Amy.

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Drawing Sonic Characters every day until Day 14, here’s Classic Dr. Eggman, Gray Wisp (Lost World), and E-105 Zeta (Adventure).

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Drawing Sonic Characters every day until Day 13, here’s Super Tails (3 & Knuckles), Jade Wisp (Team Racing), and Becky (Sonic 2)

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