este último capitulo me hizo perder la cabeza *badum tss*

8 30

i’m really loving that Peacemaker is becoming a bigger character now with him appearing in TSS, his own series and now also in the new Suicide Squad comics, i’m really looking forward to learning more about this character :)

6 69

2nd place prize art for the feb 🐟 congrats to !

be sure to play in the march TSS on march 30th 🐙

17 96

*badum tss*
( ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ
lol I feel happier than ever, but this feeling is so unusual that sometimes I doubt that what if I’m just dumb.

0 0

Stolen ✋

Give me a TSS ship and I'll hold it or squish it brutally >:)

1 4

Ok i did this with ships now i shall do it with just characters
gimme a character and ill squish or hold it (id rather not any TSS characters unless its like the only fandom we are both in-)

0 0

yeah, this one is kinda horny. ba dum tss.

1 6

It's one week later, because that's a valentine Choco late.

Ba Dum Tss!

43 194

// new tss video spoiler art kinda, its just an outfit
hes a nerd

3 11

"mmm I'm sooooo horny~" *Ba-dum-tss*

"I can't hear you over my throbbing heart~"

1 4

[#remioc_] heartsday, heartsdayy!!! more like Karaudey ba dum tss (#remioc_kara, Claude belongs to @/port.trail)

2 13

It's disgusted Cozy Glow, cuz she doesn't feel cozy and her future won't glow... badum tss


Eh ><

11 50

I am, once again, handing you an fe: tss character.
I'm not totally content with her colors (she's very blue...), but I love her. Once again she is a flier with a pun name.

1 7

He wears the tip of his tusk on his beard tss (forgot to colour it lol)

1 10

I could reveal the dancer for FE: TSS, but for now I'm giving you the boyfriends that protect him. You're welcome for accidentally making them embody this text post.

0 8

with all the memes and TSS, it kind of felt like everyone sold SilverAsh a bit short

but GOD i love his "my old friend..." vibe, and nobody ever told me he had lines this raw

0 1

I drew this cat.
I named it

0 3