Welcome to the Ballroom
[Chapter 6]

• Mako Akagi & Tatara Fujita

Done by me

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Belated Happy anniversary!


Commissioned art by

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today’s lgbt asian is ‘s oc, nastya! meow is tatar! nastya is a lesbian and uses she/they/meow pronouns.

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You ever just have something happen and it just makes you extremely happy? Seeing someone make Tatara fanart put me an a really good place. Thank you so much for your incredible fanart

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Cuties who I drew today on stream !~

@/Gurebiii @/Metataros @/Riv3rsStyx @/VMissingno
I'll do another stream later this week ~

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Commission for @/RatherSky !💜☁️

And also, check out and support @/BatAtVideoGames !!

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. 『(オバタリアン)』

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Inktober 08 - Match

Little bit late on the last few Inktober but I catch-up...
This one is from Welcome to the ballroom a insane and unknow anime !
I really enjoyed draw this one 👉👈

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Day 7: Scion

little known fact is that tataru is 99 percent of the scions power, no joke

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scions are done
honestly im not super happy with yshtola or tataru but im not sure what there is to do to fix it and i rather not stress about it too hard

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