The first meeting of two cutemons... what happened?

This is our special edition cutemon drawing of March😍

If you are a verified holder, you have chance to win this for free!

(This is just a part of it)

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Good mornin pretty lemon

You won’t feel it but you are doing bloody enough and I’m so flipping proud of you
Even if all you did was wake up and get out of bed
I’m glad you are here, I’m proud to have you in my life

Have a good day you cute ass cutemon

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Con la maleta lista, agotada y la muñeca jodida os dejo una de las nuevas cositas que encontraréis en la Expotaku!!

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Más noticias de esta vez en su versión inglesa. Durante tiempo limitado, por cada compra de una caja del de se regalará la carta promocional de Sunarizamon P-033 y una caja para guardar cartas decorada con Imperialdramon y Mastemon.

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Si está god :3 además temones los de 4town me recuerdan un poco a "setitoff" (una boyband que fangirleo asfuk) tremenda peli

Turning Red fan art by Ciantany

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Un peluxe de cookye para celebrar su aniversario Y OBVIAMENTE TIENE Q SER CON UNA COOKY BASADA EN SU TEMON SISISIS
{ }

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Very good morning, we'll be riding some images from my collection. we are very happy for the soon release of these fabulous Cutemon Slug. follow me on and

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(Bastet: Egyptian Cat Goddess)
Helter Skelter
Vampire Dance

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Image: 7 ⅝”x10 ⅜”
Outside: 14 ¾”x17 ½”
acrylic on repurposed cabinet door from with custom made handle

Flora is spreading flowers on

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Etemon has chosen you as his Digi Destined!

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"Battling in Etemon's Colosseum"

20 hours of work


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Animation test My first time attempting animation in procreate.

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In my rendition of a Digimon Colosseum, Marsmon would be the current champion, with Agnimon slowly building a name for himself alongside Fairimon. Boltmon, Metal Etemon, and Metal Garurumon X would be the top combatants, with Pile Volcamon being the unyielding referee.

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Good Morning ! This old guy is already crying as it is Sunday!

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me before: haha what if Etemon influencer oc haha funny joke
me, now: oh my sweet sweet baby my cute little guy...

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