Update on Tifa. I wanted to sleep only some hours, but I ended up sleeping the whole evening. At lesast I feel rested now. But now my internal clock is broken again.

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everyone's drawing Tifa today, Tifa's drawing Tifa.

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I love my big tiddy waifu Tifa. I'm so happy with her redesign in the Remake. I can't wait to finish my game.

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My take on Tifa.

Since she is a brawler I figured I’d try drawing her with mo’ muscles. 💪

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Kinda felt like whipping up a pic of Tifa. I probably don't draw her as often enough as I should, though I guess I can say the same for a LOT of characters that are also faves of mine. And one day I'll learn to have more variety in my poses. Today is not that day.

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I mean... id fuck with swole tifa...

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I have an unquenchable thirst for Tifa.

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It is all fun and games on YouTube until a shirtless buff goth furry whines about antifa.

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... I like Tifa. 🤷‍♂️

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I realized the first FF girl I draw is not Tifa.
What a shocker.

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I've seen a couple different characters in this shirt... but not Tifa. 🤔

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I'll switch between my 3 main girls, Rika, Sonny, and Tifa.

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I hardly ever draw people interacting with one another in a positive way (as opposed to trying to stab each other with swords). Just started doodling a random couple, but when the FF7 OST started playing on YouTube, one thing led to another. haha

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¡Por fin vuelvo a la carga! ¡Os recuerdo que he abierto comisiones otra vez, tenéis un tuit anclado en mi tablón!

Hoy, Tifa. Uno de mis personajes femeninos favoritos desde siempre. ¡Espero que os guste! Se agradece RT ^^

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