That was a great slam and then some

Luffy's training really paid off well

0 1

"I wasn't some little weeny like I was before."
Retweet if pre-timeskip Usopp was a badass in his own right.

8 23

This is what happens when you don’t listen to your mother and keep making that face.

12 32

I don’t think he wants to know your yoga routine, Lupin.

14 46

Only a handful left. What are you going to do, Jigen?

10 31

The kids of E-Class with the money they received:

0 2

they should add to that would make everyone go nuts after who knows what will they come up next?

0 0

This fight sequence like many in the series is just so slick and fluid, my hat is off to the animators well done.

11 29

Meeting to talk in an unknown area...sure nothing bad is going down here.

8 30

Fang has tiny arms. She can’t climb that mountain 😭😭

11 43

Now this is what I call Primal fear..

5 27

Yeah, this seems totally normal and safe

10 33

A blood moon. This can’t be good 😱

13 57