本日は待望の『ゴジラ キング・オブ・モンスターズ』@シアタス調布スクリーン10ULTIRA 。くっそー、泣かされたー!。物語などあってないようなもので、ただ延々怪獣バトルなだけなのに!。確固たるオマージュをベースに、現在の技術だからこその表現を詰め込んで、要はコイツらマジだな!、と。

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『劇場版 響け!ユーフォニアム~誓いのフィナーレ~』
当館で 7/5(金)~7/18(木)の2週間限定でセカンド上映決まりました!

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Hey I actually finished it ! I used new Brush and color swap on this one ! So, this is Sylvester Stabingston, a proud

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A Kul Tiran huntress doesn't take shit from no one except the beasties she hunts. If this concept resembles a character of yours, I apologize! It wasn't intentional.

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ULTIRA Over the Rainbow 9.1chもう一度しかもフォトセッションコーナーはルビィちゃん!
観る事ができて良かった( ;∀;)

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Kul Tiran Druid Bear Form
So fun to drawwww!

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KT druids aren't wickery and scary all the time! Rowann loves the beach, flowers, and sunshine. 🌸🌞🐚

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Hello all ~
Aujourd'hui, j'ai eu l'idée de dessiner mes OCs Lys & Nagisa affublés des sets de ^^ Lys sera Alliance, et Nagisa sera Horde ^^
Ici donc, Lys dans un set tissu de Kul'Tiras 😉

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Simple colored portrait commission for the sweet of her beautiful Kultiran lady!! 💕 This was the first time I drew a Kultiran and I'm so happy with the result!!

Thank you again for commissioning me, it was a pleasure to work with you! T^T

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Osephala dressed up as Persephone, Goddess of Spring for the and handed out pomegranates to everyone.

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Oh hi Kul Tirans, thanks for finally joining us... 😁

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I’m a multiracial painter 💛
I like landscape, pastries, still life... and Snapchat filters! 😅
You can find me anywhere as @ wgartbug 💖

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『幼女戦記 幼女の皮を被った ULTIRA(化け物)9.1ch』

今日はこちらで(* ̄∇ ̄)ノ

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ULTIRA上映 (@ イオンシネマ幕張新都心 in Chiba, 千葉県) https://t.co/T7iAbtZal2

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