3000yo, otherworldly probes are so demanding! Dude just killed half a galaxy of heavily armed peeps, and climbed alien god knows how far to get to where it is, and the damn thing can't be satisfied to just zap him while he's catching his breath.

2 3

"Equal Ganesis" novel, set 300 years after the events of Votoms - illustrations by Shūkō Murase (Newtype, 03/1994) https://t.co/Yb4TvVrQvw

23 87

( ゚∀゚)ノ おはよー☕️

Illustration: Norio Shioyama 🤖Armored Trooper Votoms(📺1983)

24 74

Yes.Armored Trooper Votoms:Pailsen Files The Movie (2009)
It is the last scene.

0 1

. のチャレンジです。
Ike as Chirico Cuvie from VOTOMS for FE crossover challenge

8 33

( ゚∀゚)ノ おはよー☕️

Illustration: Norio Shioyama 🤖Armored Trooper Votoms(📺1983)

35 85

( ゚∀゚)ノ おはよー☕️

Illustration: Norio Shioyama 🤖Armored Trooper Votoms(1983)

33 90

( ゚∀゚)ノ おはよー☕️

Illustration: Norio Shioyama🛠️#ボトムズ Armored Trooper Votoms(1983)

19 74


Illustration: Norio Shioyama 🤖Armored Trooper Votoms(1983)

80 272

( ゚∀゚)ノ おはよー☕️

Illustration: Norio Shioyama 🤖Armored Trooper Votoms(1983)

20 71

( ゚∀゚)ノ おはよー☕️#ひな祭り🎎

Illustration: Norio Shioyama 🤖Armored Trooper Votoms(1983)

30 90

Sōkō Kihei Votoms: The Battling Road / Super Famicom / Genki / 1993

49 163

( ゚∀゚)ノ おはよー☕️

Illustration: Norio Shioyama 🤖Armored Trooper Votoms(1983)

52 132

( ゚∀゚)ノ おはよー☕️

Illustration: Kunio Okawara 🤖Armored Trooper Votoms(1983)

19 84

( ゚∀゚)ノ おはよー☕️

Illustration: Kunio Okawara 🤖Armored Trooper Votoms(1983)

54 150

( ゚∀゚)ノ おはよー☕️

Illustration: Norio Shioyama 🤖Armored Trooper Votoms(1983)

18 68

【商品案内・既刊】装甲騎兵ボトムズ・ボードゲーム『VOTOMS TACTICS(ボトムズタクティクス)』好評発売中!
TVシリーズ全編から登場ATを収録。全10本のシナリオ(ゲーム)が遊べます。定価4600円+税(通常版)。発行 国際通信社

12 11

( ゚∀゚)ノ おはよー☕️

Illustration:Norio Shioyama 🎨
Armored Trooper Votoms: Alone Again(Movie:January 8, 2011)

6 25