[commission wip aaaa]

i've always wanted to draw viktor in drag and now i finally have a reason to 👀

16 63

[AA] '..children are never mistakes, but your father made the mistake of having something he can't afford to keep'

1 9

[AA] modern fashion fun with Mae 💄💅

1 13

[AA] rayne, sava (), nikko

1 2

[AA] shippy draws? this time of the year???? Please

1 12

[AA] siblings socks done 👐 now onto the boys

0 7

[AA] some arts from the War of Ancients event i almost forgot to post here

1 5

[AA] Now that the whole thing was submitted, here's my part of the Therras collab that I'm pretty proud of 👀💚 once again thank u strawberry satan for putting everything together

4 16

[AA] The Search for Mareus

0 10

[AA] Thyre’s Surveyor

5 21

[AA] bundled up desert man

1 6

[AA] Happy Pocky dayyyy i have no pocky of my own so i live vicariously thanks as always for letting me steal xan ✨

1 10


2 8

[AA] im having so much fun with these aesthetics ✨ the middle one is mae but she's barely recognizable like that, atros y u so edgy

1 12

[AA] fsfdsdajdlf still in the midst of shock but I FINISHED, BEHOLD MY SAD NERD RANGER FONNIE coming in while the world around is collapsing

7 29

[AA] Something I've been thinking about since Triss, the Aurea lookalike, came into the story with the actual goddess Aurea finally being summoned and all :)

0 3

[AA] Some prompt arts I was able to finish just in time for the deadline! Now I get to kick back and indulge a little with the Worldbuilding prompt ✨

1 4

[AA]: A couple of Owains in clothing belonging to and 's ocs!

1 8