RJ’s 10 second Comic Review
Comic: Amazing Spider-Man#58 (#Marvel)
Rating in current year quality
Rating in a healthy industry
Writer: Nick Spencer; Artist: Marcelo Ferreira

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Il cartone di che vorrei.
L'artista e visual designer (nel suo curriculum figurano collaborazioni con Netflix e Sony Animation) ha pubblicato questi suoi bozzetti per una ideale serie animata di
Spettacolo puro!

7 17

Do I really trust Reading again run on It’s such a fun mystery and I’m still not sure how it plays out. The art is also incredible deliver the goods

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It's the single best issue of from in his whole run So much potential for great stories to come out of this one Plus art! Great time to jump on this title! More spoiler-free thoughts -> https://t.co/AL9ONF2nXT

1 5

Comic reading for the weekend: L.R., (Have really been digging Nick Spencer's Last Remains story arc, even if there is some padding and filler; as it stand this might one of the best epic's where Peter Parker's past returns to haunt him).

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Tras un largo tiempo, me he vuelto a ver y no creí que me fuera a afectar tanto como cuando la vi por primera vez hace años

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Tras un largo tiempo, me he vuelto a ver y no creí que me fuera a afectar tanto como cuando la vi por primera vez hace años

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I made a small vision of the hero of the cartoon spiderman. This is what the villains look like and Peter Parker himself

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y han pasado por mucho. ha sido una tensión constante para ellos desde el primer día. Con los últimos acontecimientos que han pasado ¿quedará algo de su relación? 🕸

Saldrá a la venta en febrero

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