Originally this was supposed to be my very first test with Instead it became my first fully colored procreate digital painting. This took... WAY too long to finish lol

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Uh oh... This Dragon gym leader is making me feel some type of way. He has fangs too~😳❤️

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Took a break from pokemon to draw my beautiful Golden Deers boy, Raphael. One in the butler outfit and the other as a dancer. (For a future Blue Lions Playthrough) 👀

Oh and then there's me as Byleth.

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Meet my adorable team so far~! (And my trainer, I guess) 😅they won’t look this cute for long since I tend to grind levels so I figured drawing them was the next best thing!

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I literally just spent the past 3 hours catching Wooloos. This may be excessive but I need the perfect sheep to name Higashizawa. 😂

Also have a preview of Wooloo.

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I’m working on a commission and while looking for references, I fell back in love for Sun and Moon’s Character designs. ILima is actually one of my favorite trial captains so I let myself draw this pastel pink cutie. ☺️❤️

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Procreate Doodles of Megumi and an update on Neku. I paint very slowly 😅

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Ah, I'm free to draw something other then TWEWY art... so I drew Konishi as a digital warm up 🙃

Drawn in Greyscale and then added colors via overlay.

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Day 24: Sign

Definitely more of an excuse to draw a younger Mr. Hanekoma in 90s styled clothes, but I dont care I love how this turned out. The POSCA pens did wonders for the graffiti in the background. ❤🥰

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Day 20: Change

Neku's entire character arc is absolutely one of my favorite things in TWEWY so of course I had to draw it. At this point this, Twewytober has been me trying to keep up lol oops

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Day 19: Fog

It's been getting pretty cold recently so for this prompt, I let myself relax with some watercolors and inks and drew something simple. Also Neku and Shiki are there too

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Day 18: Hero

Megumi Kitaniji is what I consider the definition of the tragic anti-hero and I felt like drawing him more. (plus it stops me from defaulting to drawing Neku again lol)

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Day 17: Bag

This started as a ballpoint pen sketch and then my ink pen showed up in the mail. I immediately understood why artists used these. It's so much fun!!

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Day 15: Yellow

Laggin' behind on this one but it was because I somehow had the brilliant idea of drawing all the blondes in TWEWY.

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Days 8 and 9: Food and Cat.

I legit was waiting for these prompts to draw both Higgy and Mr. H. I may be behind but I'm catching up slowly! 😤👌

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Day 6: Bug

This one was incredibly hard to come up with an idea for...but then, things got dark. Very dark. 😥💔

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Day 5: Sweets

Looks like someone needs a Bravery boost 🤭

Fun fact: Every item each character has is in TWEWY! Can you recognize them?

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Day 4: Pin

Since I had already drawn Neku with pins for day 1, I drew the biggest Tin Pin Fanboys Shoto and Itaru! It was also an excuse to use my watercolors again cause I miss them so much.

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Day:1 Starting off my Twewy based Inktober this year by drawing the Mathematical Himbo I adore so much. I'm planning to draw something simple for the next days but my boy deserved special treatment 😊

13 26

Welp I'm still in hell atm so heres some pen doodles. Tbh I really like the one in the back so i might remake it on better paper.

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