Recently I have a lot of the exam, so if I can't reply u in time,so sorry about thatTTTTTT heart♥

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チケットなしでOK!イベント参加2時間はスキルアップのフィーバーが発動します╭( ・ㅂ・)و ̑̑ プレミアEDとエピローグでのボイスをお楽しみに♥

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{fan art♥} charming with balloons~ 🎈✨

(ELF-Japan magazine photo by Dory2512)

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16:00~イベントが開催╭( ・ㅂ・)و ̑̑ チケットなしで読める甘いシナリオを是非お楽しみください☆プレミアEDとエピローグでは甘~いボイスが♥

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ログインボーナスの特典アバターも切り替わりました☆今月は秋カラーのアイテムです♪ 9月のアイテムとあわせてコーデを楽しんでね♥

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{fan art♥} Cloud Prince with his beloved turtle 🐢💕

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Hello my ♥ :) ♥How are U? ♥I wish U good mood & good evening :) ♥Love you♥Take care♥You are dear of my heart♥

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- fanart♥ - BIG ORANGE! คุณแอปเปิ้ลกลายเป็นคุณส้มละนะ พย๊งๆๆ //ref: BIG THANKS >-<)

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Im still in love with this Dasom post ;u;♥
thanks for requesting the fanart♥♥♥

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♥Special Plan for Baekhyun's Birthday [Be Baldur] Start♥ Let us be Baldur this time... ☞☞☞

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spread the love with your own art♥♥♥

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Clary and Jace fanart♥♥ ohh the clace feels♥:')

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