You can help me learn giving likes and sharing art with the tag
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This is "Santa's coming", from one of my Labs.
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You can help me learn giving likes and sharing art with the tag
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This is "An Introduction to Books", from my Gallery collection.
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You can help me learn giving likes and sharing art with the tag
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This is "the Bird's", one of my older works.
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You can help me learn giving likes and sharing art with the tag
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This is "Venus and Mars" by Sandro Botticelli.
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You can help me learn giving likes and sharing art with the tag
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This is "The Great White Way .", one of my older works.
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You can help me learn giving likes and sharing art with the tag
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This is "Halberdier" by Jacopo Carucci (Pontormo).
Share your favourite artworks with me!

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You can help me learn giving likes and sharing art with the tag
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This is "The Queen of Opulence...", from my Gallery collection.
Share your art with me!

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You can help me learn giving likes and sharing art with the tag
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This is "Les Enfants Aux Yeux Jaunes. Ohlol, Est Carolines" by Paul Jacoulet.
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You can help me learn giving likes and sharing art with the tag
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This is "St. George and the Dragon" by Raphael (Raffaello Sanzio Da Urbino).
Share your favourite artworks with me!

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You can help me learn giving likes and sharing art with the tag
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This is "Harlequin and his family" by Pablo Picasso.
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You can help me learn giving likes and sharing art with the tag
🎨 🎨
This is "The Queen of Opulence...", from my Gallery collection.
Share your art with me!

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You can help me learn giving likes and sharing art with the tag
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This is "Christ as the Man of Sorrows" by Albrecht Durer.
Share your favourite artworks with me!

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You can help me learn giving likes and sharing art with the tag
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This is "House Divested of PreYearly Shares.", one of my older works.
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You can help me learn giving likes and sharing art with the tag
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This is "The Survivors" by Kathe Kollwitz.
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You can help me learn giving likes and sharing art with the tag
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This is "Painted Coral Reef.", one of my older works.
Share your art with me!

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You can help me learn giving likes and sharing art with the tag
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This is "M-Maybe" by Roy Lichtenstein.
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You can help me learn giving likes and sharing art with the tag
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This is "An Introduction To Ocean Research", from my Gallery collection.
Share your art with me!

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You can help me learn giving likes and sharing art with the tag
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This is "Floaters,"
on sale this week on

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You can help me learn giving likes and sharing art with the tag
🎨 🎨
This is "The Queen of Opulence...", from my Gallery collection.
Share your art with me!

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You can help me learn giving likes and sharing art with the tag
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This is "Rendering of the Tribute Money" by Masaccio (Ser Giovanni, Mone Cassai).
Share your favourite artworks with me!

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