I wonder what JMW Turner thought of scenes inspired by the French painter on porcelain? It is known that Turner was an admirer of Watteau and may have seen such porcelain at his friends and patrons houses. Who knows?

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My skeb addiction has begun... Look at this beautiful chibi from !! aaahhh.. bless...

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Antoine Watteau - La Partie carrée (1713)

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10 octobre 1684 : Naissance d’Antoine Watteau, peintre français

Etude d'une jeune fille portant un chapeau (détail)

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10 octobre 1684: Naissance d'Antoine

Empreintes d'une douce, mais profonde, mélancolie, les célèbres «fêtes galantes» du peintre emblématique de la Régence -qui sera rongé par la phtisie- nous forcent à méditer sur le caractère fugace et donc sérieux du plaisir.

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◎대한민국 1등 작가DB 사이트, 뮤움

[작가] 오늘은 프랑스의 화가 『장 앙투안 와토(Jean-Antoine Watteau)』가 태어난 날 입니다.
1684.10.10 - 1721.07.18
● Artist CV: https://t.co/NhTlmVe44u

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Antoine Watteau
Праздник любви..1717

3 12

Antoine Watteau
Затруднительное предложение.1719

1 9

Antoine Watteau
Суд Париса.1720

1 8

Antoine Watteau
Отдых в парке 1716

1 11

Antoine Watteau
Диана .1720

6 23

Hiya! I would love to be involved in a project surrounding nature 🌿

0 3

Antoine Watteau
Паломничество на остров Киферу.1717

1 13

I'm- *intimidated* ouo I don't know if it's cool enough, Green, but here's my OC, MamaDani, doing some stuff. 0u0

(Art by OverFIX, Yumilattea, KiriyaKirihara, Tricey)

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Grats on 5k. >w< My darling OC/persona, MamaDani would love to get drawn. 0u0

(Art by Steeb26, OverFIX, boilingbunnyart, Yumillattea)

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Antoine Watteau
Праздник любви.1717

2 18