Birds of the park: A practical handbook of British birds, by HF Witherby, 3 vols, 1920-24, BHL/Smithsonian.....

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Botanical illustration and the park: Flore pittoresque et me´dicale des M E Descourtilz.......1829, BHL/NY Botanical Garden..........

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Natural history and the park: The mammals of Australia : illustrated by Miss Harriett Scott, and Mrs. Helena JLG Krefft et al..........1871, BHL/Smithsonian......

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Birds of the park: Beautiful birds in far-off lands; their haunts and homes, by Mary Kirby and Elizabeth Kirby.....1872, BHL/Uni California.........

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Birthday in the park: Johannes Gerardus Keulemans, 1842-1912, illustrator of many ornithology books....... (Bird images: BHL)

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Botanical illustration and the park: Flora Medica, ontaining coloured delineations of the various medicinal plants, admitted into the London, Edinburgh, and Dublin pharmacopœias ......1830, BHL/Getty.....

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Botanical illustration and the park: The beautiful and curious birds of the world, by Charles B Cory, 1883....BHL/Smithsonian......

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Botanical illustration and the park: Orchid album :comprising coloured figures and descriptions of new, rare and beautiful orchidaceous plants .......11 vols, BHL/Missouri Botanical Gardens.............

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Extinction and the park: Vertebrates on the brink as indicators of biological annihilation and the sixth mass extinction........ (Images: BHL)

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Botanical illustration and the park: A plain and easy account of the British ferns : together with their classification, arrangement of genera, structure, and functions,by Mrs Phoebe Lankester, 1860, BHL/Uni California

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Birds of the park, and elsewhere: Die Singvögel der Heimat, by Otto Kleinschmidt, 1921, BHL/Smithsonian.....

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Botanical illustration and the park: The American pomologist : containing finely colored drawings, accompanied by letter-press descriptions of fruits of American origin, by WD Brinkle, 1851, BHL/Uni California......

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Birds of prey and the park: report on the persecution and killing of birds of prey by Channel 4...... (images: BHL)

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Botanical illustration and the park: Vegetable materia medica of the United States, or, Medical botany, by WPC Barton and HC Carey & I Lea......1825, BHL/Missouri.....

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Life in the park: why do people kill animals? This is Britain, 2020....... Residents 'appalled' after vandals smash up swan's nest with bricks on Bolton canal....... (Images: BHL)

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Children and the park: “Newts and bats are deemed more worthy than children in planning”.........please join this debate....... (Images: BHL)

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Natural history and the park: The hog, his origin and varieties, management with a view to profit, and treatment under HD Richardson, 1852......BHL/LOC....

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Moths in the park: The genera of British moths : popularly described and arranged according to the system now adopted in the British Museum.... by HN Humphreys, 1860, BHL/Smithsonian,

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Botanical illustration and the park: Exotic botany illustrated, in thirty-five figures of curious and elegant plants: explaining the sexual system; and tending to give some new lights into the vegetable philosophy.... by John Hill, 1759, BHL/NYBG.....

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Extinction and the park: previously unknown footage of the thylacine has been found at Beaumaris zoo, Australia...... (Images: BHL)

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