New blog out. It's the tale of having my account what happened, how it resolved, and what everyone should do to protect themselves from a similar scenario:

At least it's a tale with a happy ending

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Botanical illustration and the park: Iconographie des champignons de Paulet, recueil de 217 planches dessinées d'après nature, by JH Léveillé, Joseph Henri, and JJ Paulet, 1855, BHL/Uni Illinois,

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Botanical illustration and the park: The botanist's repository, for new and rare plants : containing coloured figures of such plants, as have not hitherto appeared in any similar publication...10v., 1797-1815, BHL/Smithsonian...

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Botanical illustration and the park; Revue Horticole, ser.3: t2, 1848........many volumes, BHL/Missouri Botanical Garden............

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All the violets & daisies are looking gorgeous in the sun today - the closer you look at little common flowers the more beauty there is to see.

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New youtube film out, on illustrating and tips on painting It's a long watch as it's in real time, but if you have an hr to kill....

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Botanical illustration and the park: Curtis's botanical magazine, v.122, ser.3........1896,............BHL/Missouri Botanical Garden........

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New blog out, on the excelsior, one of my favourite trees. Look out for it now with its' upturned twigs with matt black buds which aren't yet open.

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Botanical illustration and the park: Aepfel und Birnen, die wichtigsten deutschen Kernobstsorten, by R Goethe et al, 1894, BHL/Cornell.....

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Botanical illustration and the park: Revue Horticole, v. 11, 1849.........from Paris :Librairie agricole de la maison rustique.........BHL/Missouri Botanical Garden.....

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