is paul bunyan a kaiju

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Riani mengumpulkan keberaniannya untuk mulai terbuka dengan ibunya tentang kekuatan yang ia miliki. Tapi, sepertinya ada yang aneh.
Baca episode terbaru Season 3 karya dan di

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Karyaku! Gijinka labunya Cinderella krn doi iri knp cm mbacin yg disihir jdi mnusya

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Congrats on the redebut, ! ❤️💕

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Thank you so much everyone for coming!! I Love you all😘❤️

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Its bed time nya~ Are you asleep yet? Gnite babunyan 💤

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Lemme drop the beat right here nya~
I'm having too much funn XD

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I forgot to post this yesterday

Boss please yamete kudastop

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Esther Lecuyer, vision geo, polearm user, dari Fontaine, sering dikira cowo
Ibunya scholar di Sumeru jadi sering bolak balik Fontaine-Sumeru, tapi anaknya buta arah akut
Ngakunya casual adventurer tapi kalo bertarung brutal

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We drew ourself as powerpuff girls and I get to be Blossom😳

Thankyou for coming to our collab stream with and ♥️✨ Was alot of fun hanging with these two babies😘


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1. Ban mobil, nunjukin ibunya yg tewas kecelakaan mobil
2. Helm football, nunjukin momen penting di origin story-nya Cyborg

Inspirasi: Vitruvian Man

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Katsushika Hokusai (葛飾北斎, 1760 – 1849)

「百人一首うはか恵とき 文屋朝康」
Poem by Bunya no Asayasu, from the series One Hundred Poems Explained by the Nurse

about 1835–36

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"I will stay in prison till the moss grows on my eyelids rather than disobey God." - John Bunyan

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bunyanii, my . sometimes i even remember to feed him *awkward cough* ( )

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Kabedon nyan! Add yourself to the kabedon nyan😼
Please download the Png file, dont forget to use so I can retweet it ㅇㅅㅇ

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Jadi temenku ulang tahun. Husbunya oreki. Jadi kubuat ini 🎉🎊

Semoga dia ga nemu akun artku 🗿

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"Mestre! Hehehe, é legal ter alguém especial como você, que sempre fala comigo quando quero... Mestre, se você quiser, eu posso falar contigo quando você quiser também."

- Paul Bunyan

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BunYao thinks that nothing beats the 💖Security💖provided by LXC's Bosom, especially if he has annoyed NMJ somehow

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As you are a humorous man I shall give you both a joke answer and real answer. As a joke a fellow banana based servant in Ibaraki Douji. Although my serious answer is just as much of a joke with Paul Bunyan.

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6. Powree dan Novril juga masih punya satu proyek komik lainnya yaitu Gaia. Cerita Gaia awalnya diambil dari proyek mod game Neverwinter Nights 2 yang dikerjakan bersama Novril, ibunya Ute Knörzer (alias Milena), serta Feline Fueled Games yang membuat game Sandra and Woo di atas.

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