ChilledKong0381 with Red Powered Eyes (0.63%) sold on for an offer of ₳4,200 ($1,701.84)

Buyer: $konglection
Seller: $sayless

10 34

don‘t we all like ?

🦍 💕 🍄

11 66

I thought it was already seeing all of these on my timeline 😂

5 22


Let’s see those FOMO 🔥

15 82

GM everybody remember to Chill and have a good time this weekend Happy Flex Friday.
Shoutout to for the amazing animation

15 56

Looks like sales are picking up nicely once again for ❤️‍🔥

8 68

After a long time, i finally got my first !😍. Is a thing? Drop your favorite kong below!

34 198

Looks like FOMO is kicking in with once again👀

Flex Friday came early! Let’s see those FOMO kongs below 👇🏻

14 94

Such a nice view, can't wait to see y'all in Vegas 🛫🦍🎰

169 590

Yeah, thats right I came clutch today and made two great deals on 1- Citron Blue on Blue and 2- Prison suit with red on red shades.

11 84

ChilledKong7235 with Gold Stud (2.46%) was sold on for ₳1,080 ($472.18)

Buyer: $cardanothor

4 34

ChilledKong7551 with Nuthin But A G Thang (1.96%) was sold on for ₳2,650 ($1,153.54)

Buyer: $xeno.slayer

5 76

Second acquired through trade. Loving the vibe on this guy, what do we think?

10 113