Cheddar Man, a Mesolithic Briton with dark skin and blue eyes...#CheddarMan

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Did you know that preferred Cornish Yarg to Cheddar...let that sink in

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sloppy darmanitan animation

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11. Tipo fuego favorito
Darmanitan, no me suelen gustar los pokemon con aspecto de simio pero por algún motivo Darmanitan me llamó mucho la atención cuando lo vi por primera vez, y se ganó mi cariño cuando lo usé en mi partida del pokemon blanco

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I used to go with a Darmanitan as my avatar back on, so here's a li'l update of that design!

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Day 2: Darmanitan. N's Darmanitan was really OP in my Black 2 playthrough.

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For those just tuning in, Mega Darmanitan was leaked during the Smash Bros Direct

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