I decided to draw Hinata for 's this week's challenge by ! Ini pertamakalinya dari sekian lama aku ga pake alcohol marker dan nge-lineart secara tradi!! Deg2an pas bikin ini huhuhu makanya agak mleyot2 😂✌️

4 35

the boys as nymphs, lavender & carnation bushes~
idk when i'll finish my species chart on them so: nymphs are the most common in deg/w8's local area. they're considered very attractive and are known for their superior glamour magic, appearing as beautiful humans to mortals

150 670

Je suis tombé sur un shiny, il m'a pas rejoint je suis trop deg...

0 0

J'ai trouvé que lui en E ptdr j'suis deg

0 0

Fantia のヘッダー画像作ったですよ。
htps://fantia.jp/DEG_VR です。


0 4

Some very basic species info on the weird dogs that accidentally cause panic around Albion. Deg in particular is a well known cryptid bastard in Waite's town and has claimed a few graveyards and a forest as territory.

509 2034

C/2019 Y4 (ATLAS)
Feb. 15.00, 15.9, 0'.28 ( 0.43-m f/6.8 reflector + CCD; remotely Nerpio; tail 0'.4 in p.a. 205 deg);

1 8

A ghost courting a shuck in the fae conservatory's kissing chair is a sight. Deg's eclectic family are going to have a lot to gossip about

708 2709

Related but I didn't know until w minutes ago DEG + Murderdolls had this pic together so that's cool ig...!!!

0 0

je la trouve ultra déformée oof je crois j'ai raté mon coup je suis deg

0 5

ウワーーー!! DEG〜ちゃんダァー

0 6

Yi qi

Designed and folded by me from one uncut square. 22.5deg structure.

3 18

Un peu deg' de pas participé à mais bon pas grave ça vas être cool quand même

J'ai eu que 5h de sommeil pour finir ces dessins

1 9

à deux doigts d'avoir ça je suis deg

0 0

100% details- Deg writes books on fae culture & science and their resident land appears. They live in Southern Albion, a place with an environment similar to Massachusetts.

13 108

J'le poste sur ce compte pcq j'le trouve deg
C'est l'OC de @/Toryokami

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