FairGame Week Day7: free day
I was allowed to draw whatever I wanted so I present to you clover and qrow as trad goths.

7 18

fgw day 7 (au/free day)
i wanna be a cowboy baby

75 160

FGW Day 7: AU/ Free Day

Wow... Can’t believe I actually made it through the whole week... Jesus... I thought I was gonna slack off *gives self pat on the back* Anyways thanks for all the support everyone!

29 77

AU where Clover lives so he can be with his bird man

55 265

Day 6: Atlas Ball
Clover is surprised that Qrow knows how to dance and Qrow enjoys being the one to show off for once.

44 87

Is Qrow being loved and cared too much to ask?

10 28

FGW Day 6: Atlas Ball/ Mantle Battle

I put some details into their outfits see what you can point out! Might draw a breakdown of their outfits... or not.. I'm lazy...

23 62

fgw day 6 (atlas ball/mantle battle)
this is neither of the prompts but strq era fg beacon ball, bitches

48 146

Day 5: Hurt/Comfort

“I’m still here. I’ll always still be here, even when you don’t want me to be.”
- Clover, at some point

(Also long-haired Qrow rights 🥺)

16 22

"You’ll stay with me right?''
Day 5 - Hurt/Comfort
Complimentary fic - "You'll Stay With Me Right?" by in quoted tweet.
Pt 1 of our timeline...Clover lives, duh… But Qrow has a hard time dealing with it…
*whispers* I'm sorry... https://t.co/hORocPEFkN

14 24

fgw day 5 (hurt/comfort)
hold me bro

66 177

“I told you my luck is gonna kill you someday.”
“And I already told you my luck will bring me back to you everytime.”

day 5 - hurt

32 70

FGW Day 4: Soulmates

I'm really happy with this one. Just... Give me them smiling like this, please.
I'd do anything for that smile.

18 39

FGW Day 4: Soulmates/Birds

They finally found each other! Yeah I know I’m late... if this gives you “Your Name” vibes then good that was kind of the point...

40 91