【新刊案内】星海社FICTIONS『秘密結社デスクロイツ 2』情報公開しました。



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華文本格推理の俊英・陸秋槎が、中世ファンタジー×ミステリーの新境地に挑む! 日本で初となる単著書き下ろし作品!


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I'm still anxious of posting this, but here Am I. hahahahahahaha

and other than macro, machines and size differences yes(in case you haven't noticed), I'm actually into male inflation and fatal popping(Only in fictions of course not irl hahahaja.)

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星海社FICTIONSくん! せっかく良い表紙イラストなんだからOGPで表示しないか? https://t.co/4TLukAWG4u

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ここが詩音の初登場に確定。初対面のシーン。だとすると目明し編と綺麗に対称をなしている。助け助けられで。どっちの場合も「詩音を魅音」と思ってるけど。: "ひぐらしのなく頃に 第二話 綿流し編 (上) (星海社 e-FICTIONS)"(竜騎士07, ともひ 著)https://t.co/WAnXRyL1Nj

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Profile picture made by me, it's Paradox from FictionSphere. Its not pixel art, but practice for drawing tablet.

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Daily LFS (Liminal Fiction Spotlight): Matt Doyle (Fantasy, Sci-Fi): click the star next to the author’s name to “favorite” them!


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10: Villain OC's?
They need redesigning, but you could *technically* call Athena and Lapin villains as their goals are contrary to the main characters of their respective fictions, but I don't have any characters that are outright evil. I like exploring grey areas of morality.

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『銀河連合日本 Age after ヤル研秘宝館』
著:松本 保羽


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『九龍後宮の探偵妃 (星海社 e-FICTIONS)』(蛙田アメコ, Nardack 著) を読み終えたところです https://t.co/tUdwmE7zvF

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I miss reading and writing fanfictions but I just don't have the energy most days. I've been focusing mainly on my art for my other account (see the below piece of art uwu). I know I have an au that people have been waiting for a new update for I'm so sorry 😭

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Team grows, slowly, but steadilly. Wonder if i'll be able to fit all my main characters from different fictions in a single picture :o

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Wildlife fictions: In the work of and is combined in a practice he refers to as ‘digital painting’, using digital enhancement programmes to conjure worlds that feel familiar yet strange. https://t.co/9H5iIUVONK

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: "コールミー・バイ・ノーネーム (星海社 e-FICTIONS)"(斜線堂有紀, くわばらたもつ 著)https://t.co/IQ684Xvg4g

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『私がモテないのはどう考えてもお前らが悪い! ミステリー小説アンソロジー (星海社 e-FICTIONS)』(市川憂人, 岡崎琢磨... 著) を読み終えたところです https://t.co/ban9q9d2SC

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It was supposed to be a series of pictures dedicated to one of my fanfictions, but it didn't come out.
Those who read know, and the rest I give free rein to fantasize

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『2020年のゲーム・キッズ →その先の未来 』(星海社FICTIONS)を再読中。

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Happy Sunday!

Check out this review of Best Microfictions 2021 over at who says it's "rich with interpretations and content" and they expect those who pick it up will discover "new work that leaves a succinct impact."


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With the G5 movie for mlp finally out, I'm looking forward to possible new fanfics, fanfic reading, art, convention and more. Especially, dark, grimdark, uplifting and comedy fictions.

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