And to start the night here I leave you this page of this doujishin, Puskas / Hungary riding his vampire horse in english and spanish XD🏇💦🍆😈

Haji / Romania and Puskas / Hungary belongs to world flags

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Well, here you have this , soon the page in English and Spanish :)

Haji / Romania and Puskas / Hungary belongs to world flags

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aku tau bang haji lagi bikin aot stan potek tapi


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and here you have Puskas / Hungary taming the vampire Haji from Romania in his sexual training XD, well I leave these pages in English and Spanish

Haji / Romania and Puskas / Hungary belongs to world flags

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Another page finished, here you have more of this doujinshin from Haji / Romania and Puskas / Hungary, soon I will upload the pages in English and Spanish :)

Haji / Romania and Puskas / Hungary belongs to world flags

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Here I leave another page of this doujinshi from Haji / Romania and Puskas / Hungary then I will upload the pages and English and Spanish

Haji / Romania and Puskas / Hungary belongs to world flags

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art trade for of their oc haji !🃏

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And here is the new page in English / Spanish, and so Haji / Romania became the sexual horse of Puskas / Hungary🏇🐴🍆🍆💦💦😈😈:)

Haji / Romania and Puskas / Hungary belongs to world flags

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New page, soon the English / Spanish version of this :)

Haji / Romania and Puskas / Hungary belongs to world flags

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Here are these pages of this doujinshi in English / Spanish, Puskas / Hungary was impressed with the size of Haji / Romania's penis💦🍆🍆🍆😈XD

Haji / Romania and Puskas / Hungary belongs to world flags

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To start the night here you have another page of this doujinshi from Haji / Romania and Puskas / Hungary soon the pages with dialogues in English and Spanish :)

Haji / Romania and Puskas / Hungary belongs to world flags

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Well, here is the English / Spanish page of this page, the punishment of Haji / Romania by Puskas / Hungary begins :) You will soon see more of this :)

Haji / Romania and Puskas / Hungary belongs to world flags

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Another page finished, soon I will pass you the Spanish / English version with dialogue from this page :)

Haji / Romania and Puskas / Hungary belongs to world flags

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Well, I finished painting this page, the dialogues are still missing :)

Haji / Romania and Puskas / Hungary belongs to world flags

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Oh no, Puskas / Hungary is in trouble ....:o

Haji / Romania and Puskas / Hungary belongs to world flags

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Haji / Romania, he love the ass of Puskas / Hungary XD

Haji / Romania and Puskas / Hungary belongs to world flags

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Well, I wanted to draw a scene where Haji and Puskas live with the white pelicans, the national bird of Romania :), this drawing was inspired by one of my friend's drawings :)

Haji / Romania and Puskas / Hungary belong to

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Well, here is my version of this drawing in the style of Worldflags I hope you like :)

Haji /Romania belong to

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Well I did what I could to get a bit of Haji / Romania, I think later I will redraw this with the worldflags design

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Puskas / Hungary, I was watching the rain that fell in the afternoon while enjoying a cup of tea together with Haji / Romania

Haji / Romania and Puskas / Hungary belong to

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