[#2. Honoré 🤝]

L’école, c’est aussi les copains.
Aujourd’hui, à l’École des Lettres, le petit Victor Hugo a rencontré le tout jeune Honoré de Balzac ☕️
Une belle amitié naissante, à n’en pas douter !

Strip à lire en intégralité par ici : https://t.co/suCDrSuyko 📚🔥

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et mika est encore plus honoré 🥺

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What Time is it Please, published in Le Charivari (1839), by Honoré Daumier

A mugging is about to occur.

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For Art Twitter:

Here is the beginning of an Art History Thread where I’ll be sharing some of my favorite artists. Starting off in the Rococo Period (Late Baroque).

Jean-Honoré Fragonard (Top) & François Boucher (Bottom)

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Hey! Waitress, I prefer my soup bald! (1840), by Honoré Daumier

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Past, Present, Future, published in La Caricature (1834), by Honoré Daumier

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All three versions of The Third-Class Carriage, by Honoré Daumier

In a realistic manner, Daumier depicts the poverty and fortitude of working class travellers in a third class railway carriage. He made at least three oil paintings entitled The Third-Class Carriage

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Nymphs Pursued by Satyrs (1849–50), by Honoré Daumier

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Painting of the week!
I think you couldn't have never guess it lol, this's the famous painting I hated in high school!

"The Swing", Jean-Honoré Fragonard, 1767, oil on canvas, London.

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Nei momenti difficili, mi era stato insegnato fin dall'infanzia, leggi, impara, datti da fare, rivolgiti alla letteratura. Essere informati significava non perdere il controllo.

Joan Didion

🖌Jean-Honoré Fragonard, Ragazza che legge, 1776

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Le chiffre d’amour (The Souvenir) (c.1775 - c.1780), Jean-Honoré Fragonard, [3256 x 4250]

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The Progress of Love: The Meeting (1771-1773)

Jean-Honoré Fragonard's works -> https://t.co/lBVdnqdQ0t

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August 22, 1806: French painter/printmaker Jean-Honoré Fragonard dies.

Fragonard's "Coresus and Callirhoë" (1765) was exhibited at the Salon in Paris, where it was subsequently purchased for King Louis XV.

🎨 Jean-Honoré Fragonard, "Coresus and Callirhoë", 1765

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✝ Aujourd'hui 22 août est l’anniversaire de la mort de Jean-Honoré Fragonard, décédé à Paris en 1806.

🎨 Deux de ses œuvres peuvent être vues au musée Jacquemart-André : La tête de vieillard ainsi que Les débuts du modèle.

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El 22 de agosto de 1806 fallece Jean-Honoré Fragonard, pintor francés de estilo rococó que cultivó todos géneros pictóricos: desde el retrato a las escenas familiares, pasando por los paisajes o las escenas galantes.

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Iconic French artist died  1806.⁠

This evocative work is part of a group of allegorical depictions of love painted by Fragonard in the 1780s, and portrays love as a natural force and uncontrollable passion, stronger than the people affected by it.

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22 août 1806 : Décès de Jean-Honoré Fragonard, peintre français.

1 : Le Chat Angora
2 : Le verrou
3 : Les Hasards heureux de l’Escarpolette

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de 1806 murió en París el pintor rococó Jean-Honoré Fragonard, que se distinguió por la exuberancia y el hedonismo de su estilo. En su obra destacan las pinturas de género que reflejan una atmósfera de intimidad y velado erotismo

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➤ 22 agosto 1806 | Muere Jean-Honoré Fragonard
➤ Pintor 🇫🇷 rococó. Autor de más de 550 pinturas, de las cuales solamente 5 están fechadas. Famoso por sus pinturas de género, que reflejan intimidad y velado erotismo

➤ Abro mini🧶

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