yes this is what i've been doing for the past 3 hours

0 11

ah yes the monotony of Life

24 171

I learned something this ! Lots of sketches, resulting in cramps ugh. I went for a wide swing of 30 panels, I think next year I will shoot for four!

0 2

That’s it for !!! A nice and eventful day, full of friends and good food c: Thank you for reading all of this if you’ve gotten this far! ^^

0 9

It’s and I have many important things on my kind!!!

2 14

Literally just minding my business… smh 🙄 anyway late to but right on time for the zoomies

0 7

I’ve done enough of that recently

0 39

Finalement, de façon très sketchy, j'ai pu faire le
Les voici en rafale...

Sorry, only in french but you can ask me if you don't understand :P

0 7

I’ve always wanted to dive in and try this. It was tons of fun, even on an uneventful day.

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