After hearing about Peter "Making my way downtown" Lukas and remembering Jon "Wandered off" Sims, I wonder what would happen if they'd met- only reason Jon would survive is the Web's tendrils wrapped tight enough around him maybe?

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I’ve been enjoying the Magnus Archives recently so he’s the tired head archivist himself.

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I can’t get The Magnus Archives out of my head, so here is some fan art of our dear Archivist Jonathan Sims.

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I really, honest-to-god shouldn't be allowed to be left alone in fandom spaces or horrific stuff like this happens.

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OHBOIOHBOI unfortunately OBS ate my recording of the drawing progress but here he is! Jon Archivist! I'm trying to get better at digital painting... it's unfairly hard honestly.

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My account is sooo empty atm, so don't mind me while I spend the week reposting art from my Tumblr/Instagram

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