Aquí vamos de nuevo...
Oye, ¿me dijiste que estamos en mayo? Oh wow, el tiempo pasa tan rápido
Así que volví a hacer un pequeño cómic este mes.


4 28

Coach Rock and Pinky❤
Drew Pinky with her hair down, the way I imagine it :)

2 2

Repost from my isntagram from a meme i made in july or sum
It looks neat ngl

2 20

Oct 24, 2014. By: littlebigstep
[4 Yeahs!] [0 replies] (US)
"Never have fun tracing like this before :D"

0 0

Victoria is completed, working on the sprite sheet now..

0 20

✨little big sharkoo ✨

Hola , mi bun ✨

I love you. You are my strong family ✨


-halo ? A l’huile- 🙃

420 2970

Hey lol human oddsock and sackboy designs ‼️‼️

3 15

✨little big sharkoo ✨

Heho, my tiny bun ✨

I love you. You are my best family ✨

-va te faire cuire une bouse de dragon- 🙃

416 2682

✨little big sharkoo ✨

Hey, my bun ✨

I love you. You are my sweet family ✨


-ne mets pas la charrue avant les hipogriffes !- 🙃

411 3061

✨little big sharkoo ✨

Hei, kitybun ✨

I love you. You are my lovely family ✨


-on dit pas je veux mais j’aimerais.- 🙃

569 3885

✨little big sharkoo ✨

Hei, buun ✨

Never forgot how much I love you. You are my eternal family ✨


-donner c’est donner, reprendre c’est voler- 🙃

562 3592

✨little big sharkoo ✨

Hei, you ✨

Never forgot how much I love you. You are my family ✨

-T’as une tâche ! PISTACHE ! - 🙃

530 3724


Here we go again...
Hey, you said me we are in May ? Oh wow the time go so fast 🥺
So I made a little comic this month, again.
—every 2 days update—

-tête d’orange ta culotte elle est orange-🙃

610 3239

“So what do you say? Ready to make history?!”

“...’Course you are.”
Drew Vex from Sackboy: A Big Adventure!!

11 19