films under the banne of

>David Ayer's Suicide Squad (#ReleaseTheAyerCut)

>Ben Affleck's Batman (#MakeTheBatfleckMovie)

>Justice League 2 (#JusticeLeaguepart2)

>Deathstroke Movie (#SaveDeathstrokeMovie)

>Jared Leto's Joker

50 177

I was busy today so couldn't make a new Batfleck artwork for today's event, so reposting the one I made of the picture Zack posted on Batman Day!! 🦇🦇

cuz that's what the BEST Batman (imo) deserves!! 😌❤️

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The craze for these two. One would think, you would use that 🤔

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I personally hope we get this moment in the movie. It’s 1 of my favorite comic book moments ever! And let’s be honest, is perfect for flashpoint

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