Ciao ragazzi, oggi al mercato del pesce ottime triglie per lo spaghetto di stasera e seppie ambrate da fare in inzimino domani

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Accattatavillo a pazziella pe criature, AURELIELLO da presidente a Cavani da Cavani a presidente, aggiustiamo anche cucine a Gasse.

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Here’s that mercat from my
I’m doing a small series of what I’m calling “minis” which is why they’re just simple icons on a larger canvas!

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we interrupt my daily humanoid mermaid sketches to bring you a mercat <3

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It's MerMay!💙 Do you like mermaids?😸 You know there's an art challenge in May where you're supposed to draw a mermaid everyday in May!🙀

Big thanks to our fan for this amazing of our very own mercat Nessieee!!

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What would you call these? Catfish....or Mercats?

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Somethin' I did for DA. Characters belong to and her Gamercat web comic. Juuust wanted to do these cause her work is rather amazing and I really support it! 😉 Also, I did these 'cause I was a bit bored... Xp

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Approfittando della bella giornata oggi abbiamo girovagato per il mercato dei fiori e visitato questo bellissimo bar che ha tante specialità al matcha (tè verde) ✨❤ molto carino e molto buono ❤✨

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Assalt de l'Altarriba, Fira Pou, visites guiades i activitats familiars al i al ... Consulta tot el que pots fer durant aquest pont a a 👉

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