Blue Horse with Rainbow (Blaues Pferd mit Regenbogen), Franz Marc, (1913)

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Stalingrad, 1943, colour ink on cardboard; Goebbels the War Painter, 1943, India ink and collage; To be or not to be? 1943, India ink, watercolour, collage on cardboard. Russian Campain, 1942, red and brown India ink, collage on paper. The National Gallery in Prague via MoMA.

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La primera ilustración es la de Vans x MoMA
La segunda la colección de Venom
La tercera la de Van Gogh que solo vive en mi memoria 🥲

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Aleko. Costume design for the ballet Aleko, Marc Chagall, 1942

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Tahitian Woman with Evil Spirit, Paul Gauguin, c. 1900

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Gluttony I (La Gourmandise I) from The Seven Deadly Sins (Les Sept péchés capitaux), Marc Chagall, 1925, published 1926

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Two People. The Lonely Ones (To mennesker. De ensomme), Edvard Munch, 1899/1917

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Salomé from L'Estampe moderne, no. 2, Alphonse Mucha, 1897

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Dance of Butterfly and Pan. Sketch for the choreographer for Scene III of the ballet Aleko, Marc Chagall, 1942

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Paul Delvaux ( 1897 - 1994 ) Sketchbook 1939-1944, MoMA

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Dying Plants (Sterbende Pflanzen), Paul Klee, 1922

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Untitled (1), state II of III, Jackson Pollock, 1944

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Untitled from À la recherche du shoe perdu, Andy Warhol, c. 1955

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Dance of the Quetzals from Dances of Mexico, Carlos Mérida, c. 1937

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